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Sub-heading style, latest Government advice, the Roman Baths will be closed from Thursday 31st December 2020 until further notice.
Paragraph text style, The Roman Baths are in the centre of Bath in the West of England. Bath is 100 miles (160km) west of London and 10 miles (16km) east of Bristol. Bath has good coach and rail connections from London and from most major cities in the UK. It is a delightful city to explore on foot.
Find out more on parking and travel options in Bath.
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Terrace & Reception Hall
With its spectacular view over the Great Bath, the enclosed Terrace is a more intimate alternative to the Pump Room with an incredible atmosphere. While the space can accommodate up to 80 guests, it is most frequently used for smaller gatherings. The large Reception Hall adjoins the Terrace and the two spaces can be linked for larger groups if a dance floor and bar are needed for the evening.
Roman Baths
After the visitor attraction closes; the Roman Baths become a tranquil and otherworldly location for drinks and canapés. Your guests can socialise and relax beside the Great Bath, standing on the ancient paving and absorbing the history of this vast ruin. Although outdoors, the venue is sheltered from the elements, and in winter the steam from the thermal waters is at its most spectacular. The Roman Baths may be hired for stand-alone drinks receptions, or prior to a dinner or party in the Pump Room, Terrace or Reception Hall.
Pump Room
The elegant Pump Room has been a centre for socialising since Georgian times and continues to attract a variety of events including dinners and parties. With its glittering chandelier, spa water fountain and lofty ceilings, it remains one of the most impressive rooms in the city. A stage and discreet PA system are perfect for speeches and the dimmable lighting creates a relaxed atmosphere.
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